Guru Seva of Nilkanthvarni

Ramanand Swami on the day of ekadashi, asked Nilkanth Varni about his birth place, Caste, parents, Veda, Ishtadevta, reason for his vairagya etc. God gave satisfactory reply to all the questions. Knowing about Nilkanth varni parents Swami told that “ O brahmachari! You are ours; we know you parents and they met us in Prayag and we gave them gurudiksha. You outstand your father in several qualities and religion.”

When swami were speaking to Nilkanth in the assembly that night, a divine light arose from their body and filled the darkness with daylight. Seeing this miracle, all the sadhus seated there were surprised including Nilkanth. Nilkanth soon realised that Paramatma resides in the body of Ramanand Swami. Swami also realised that Nilkanth were Narayan themself. They kept them in their seva.

Nilkanth used to bring flowers, sandalwood, smelling cents, tulsipatra etc. for the worship of Swami and used to serve them all the time continuously. Ramanand Swami also introduced Nilkanth to several men and women devotees and pleased with their sincerity and devotion as a disciple towards a guru, Ramanand Swami decided to give Shri Hari the mahadiksha. In V.S. 1857 on the day of Kartik Sud Ekadashi, in the morning it was decided to give Mahadiksha to Nilkanth with great celebrations.